DAWN, 01 MARCH 2020

Image result for dawn news by quaid e azam
  • Two more corona-virus cases confirmed in Pakistan
Hospitals are being set to treat corona-virus patients since 2 cases have been confirmed

  • Kajihara makes history, Ganna breaks world record
Yumi Kajihara becomes the first Japanese women to be crowned cycling champion on Friday

  • Rangers seize 74,000 surgical masks,arrest two persons.
Pakistan Rangers arrest 2 suspects for selling surgical masks on a higher rate because of corona-virus

  • Islamabad-Peshawer encounter in Pindi rained off
The match everybody eagerly waited for fell  prey to the rains in Rawalpindi.

  • Luxembourg becomes first country with free public transport
The small and wealthy EU country Luxembourg becomes the first to offer free transport for less well off workers reducing traffic load
