Islam in my Life Sixteen Years as a Muslimah
Amina is the president of international union of women and she worked a lot on different topics. She studied about religion for two years and then reverted to Islam in 1977. She picked Quran and studied it only to convert Muslims to Christianity. She believed and felt that Jesus had placed her there to save them from the fires of hell. She kept on explaining and telling them about Jesus, how they all will burn in fires if they won't accept Jesus as a savior, she told them how Jesus died on the cross to save from their sins. They smiled but no one converted. So she decided to learn about their religion in order to use that to convert them to Christianity. She tried to find something in Quran that she could disagree with, for a two and half years but she found it total and complete, she was convinced that no man, no human could be wise enough to know so much about future, to write such a book and that this came from God. Quran contains everything on interpersonal relationships and social system. Quran describes the real meaning of equality and constantly tells man to respect women and that she is an equal partner and will help to make the world a better place so everyone can live equally. Islam greatly stresses on compassion. Compassion between two people, between the siblings, towards the parents, towards the neighbors and towards the animals. People think very bad of Islamic law and punishment and they have negative views about it but actually it is very compassionate. It shows compassion to the victim and doesn't let the victim fill guilty. At the day of judgement every single person will be answerable to God for their bad deeds and everyone will be punished for such deeds and sins. Amina tells her audience that one should feel proud to be Muslim, its a religion of peace, it coveys the message of love so one shouldn't hide their identity. Allah is one and there's no God but Allah, Amina understood this so well that she chose the religion Islam over her family, at the time of conversion she was married with two kids and her husband didn't want to convert so she ended up with a divorce. She faced the same with kids, she couldn't have her kids legally because of the change of her religion and faith. Amina's parents converted to Islam and not just them but her ex-husband and many other people around her.
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