Is China detaining Uighur Muslims in secret camps? | Inside story

This is a news report about the secret camps in China, sharing it's inside story. China’s been accused of
detaining more than a million Uighur Muslims. It’s reported the camps are in the western region of Xinjiang but China denies the existence of such secret camps. About 10 million Uighur live mostly in Xinjiang region. After the communist government in 1949, the ethnic tension has risen which has caused mass migration of the Han Chinese. The workers share their cultural similarities with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Chinese government says that their crackdown in Xinjiang is to protect peace and prevent terrorism. 
Andrew Leung who is a Political analyst believes the problem is china’s fear of separatism. Eastern Turkestan terrorist movement drives separatism movements in Tibet and Taiwan, so china is anxious to control the movement.
Andreas Fulda, who is a lecturer at the University of Nottingham, says that detention isn't the answer. It is not justifiable. He believes China is the implementation of a highly racist policy at an ethnic group where anyone regardless of his or her political or religious views can be swept up in these internment camps. Andreas further talked about the understanding of China's policy and said people in china have to wait a long time for their own rights so people around the world need to raise this issue.
Adrian Zenz, an expert on China's minority policy believes that in China people with religion are always suspicious and they are trying to reduce the culture differences which can be seen as counter terrorism. He further says it is necessary to raise the issue in China. 
On the other hand, Andrew believes since there had been various issues raised against china, there can be better ways found to raise another issue.
In order to raise the issue and voice people should educate themselves with this situation, because this is something huge and these people in the internment camps need our help.
