Brian Tracy - Time Management Seminar

Brian Tracy is a Canadian-American motivational public speaker and self-development author. He is the author of over seventy books that have been translated into dozens of languages. All successful people are good time managers because they recognize that time management is personal and life management. Successful people use their time well. The key to time management is self discipline. Brian Tracy gives us 21 ideas to increase our personal productivity and manage time. Here they are:
  • Goals: What is it that you want to accomplish?
There are three major areas of goals:
Your personal and family goals
Your business/career/financial/material goals
Your development goals

Write your goals, define them and redefine them. The secret is to think on paper.
  • Plans of actions: put it in writing
Organized plans are the key to success. Action without planning is a cause of every failure, anxiety stress, time wastage, frustration and lack of success. Write down every single step you are going to follow and then organize them into a plan and follow on your daily basis. 
  • Analysis: make a list
Make different lists, a master list which should include all the possible tasks you must do at some point, a monthly list for the month ahead, a weekly list for the week ahead, and a daily list for the next day. Then tick off the items as you complete them, to motivate and energize yourself on your progress.
  • Set priorities: what is the most valuable use of my time?
Set your priorities and work on them. You need to ask yourself: What is the number 1 thing you can do this week that will bring you the highest impact? Do that first. Begin the day with that.
  • Concentration: learn how?
Successful people are able to look 10 or 20 years into the future, and make decisions today that are consistent with their desired long-term future, including making short-term sacrifices. Once you are done with making a list of your goals, determine the highest and most valuable and begin working on it and keep working until it is finished.
It is the ABCDE method which makes it simpler for a character to take decision and act consistent with their priorities. Tasks are the ones with serious consequences if you don’t do it tasks are ones with mild consequences. Never do these until the A tasks are complete tasks are things that have no consequence but would be nice. Don’t do these until A and B are done. D tasks can be delegated to other people. E are things that should not be done at all and eliminated.

These were the ideas and time management skills by Brian Tracy. Working and applying them can help us in being productive, managing time and to achieve success. These are the ways which can lead to a successful and productive life. The key is to start and take actions immediately and stick to them until finished. 
